The 2021 National Celebration of Pro Bono is October 24-30. NPLS wishes to recognize our many pro bono volunteers who take the time to represent clients in civil legal cases, participate in clinics, and serve as volunteers on our Board of Directors. Last year, 139 private attorneys accepted 403 pro bono cases and 234 Judicare cases for NPLS in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
We thank all those who have given their time, resources and professional talents to those who needed help accessing justice. See the full list below.
NPLS also celebrates our recently retired Williamsport office managing paralegal Danna Rich-Collins for 46 years of service and pro bono program coordination. In recognition of Danna's years of pro bono advocacy, a Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) Pro Bono Partner Award is being renamed in her honor. Read more: "Pro Bono attorney services forge strong Pa. communities."
Please join us for a free CLE on Thursday, October 28 on Ethics of Pro Bono and the Changing Need During Disasters.
The pandemic has taught us that things change but the need for legal aid for the poor remains a constant. At 3:00 p.m., join us to watch a wonderful film, Strands of Justice - The History of Civil Legal Aid in the United States. At 3:30, we will offer a one hour CLE, at no cost to those who volunteer pro bono service and promote that service within our service are. This remote session will review ethical rules, explore issues arising from operating remotely, and examine substantive areas that lend themselves to Pro Bono opportunities, including pandemic related unemployment, representing victims of crime, disaster related issues, housing and rental assistance.
Register Now and Join Us!
This is a 1-hour Ethics CLE for pro bono attorneys.
NPLS 2020-21 Pro Bono Volunteers
Rita Alexyn, Esq.
John M. Ashcraft III, Esq.
Jennifer Ayers, Esq.
David M. Backenstoe, Esq.
Barbara L. Baldo, Esq.
Warren Richard Jr. Baldys, Esq.
Joseph R. Jr. Baranko, Esq.
Dean C. Berg, Esq.
Johanna Berta, Esq.
Taylor Beucler, Esq.
James L. Best, Esq.
Peter J. Biscontini, Esq.
Amy Boring, Esq.
Christopher Bradley, Esq.
Eleanor M. Breslin, Esq.
Thomas Burkhart, Esq.
Jonathan Butterfield, Esq.
Peter T. Campana, Esq.
William P. Carlucci, Esq.
Kelly M. Carrubba, Esq.
Mary Beth Clark, Esq.
Sasha Beth Coffiner, Esq.
Zachary Cohen, Esq.
Michael H. Collins, Esq.
Roan Confer, Esq.
Joseph A. Corpora, III, Esq.
Michael F. Corriere, Esq.
Robert Cronin, Esq.
Thomas R. Daniels, Esq.
Deborah Jean DeNardo , Esq.
Michelle DeWald, Esq.
Jonathan DeWald, Esq.
Matt Diemer, Esq.
Christina Dinges, Esq.
Michael A. Dinges, Esq.
Jeffrey C. Dohrmann, Esq.
Carrie Donald, Esq.
Stevie Draklan, Esq.
Marc Salo Drier, Esq.
Robert Elion, Esq.
Diane V. Elliott, Esq.
Brendan Ellis, Esq.
Sandor Engel, Esq.
Douglas N. Engelman, Esq.
Amy Ershler, Esq.
Chrystyna M. Fenchen, Esq.
Kerry M. Fenchen, Esq.
James R. Fiorentino, Esq.
John Fisher, Esq.
Bryan Fitzcharles, Esq.
Kelly Fratamico, Esq.
Kerry Scott Freidl, Esq.
Robert Gallagher, Esq.
Jeffrey Gilbert, Esq.
Sean Gingerich, Esq.
Matthew F. Golden, Esq.
Allan B. Goodman, Esq.
Allison Grady, Esq.
Jeffrey Greenwald, Esq.
Charles Greevy III, Esq.
Anthony J. Grieco II, Esq.
Brandon Griest, Esq.
Stuart Hall, Esq.
Paul J. Harak, Esq.
Kevin A. Hardy, Esq.
Jessica Harlow, Esq.
Tonya Harris, Esq.
Thomas L. Heimbach, Esq.
Bradley S. Hillman, Esq.
Gail Hills, Esq.
John Himes, Esq.
Landon Ray Hodges, Esq.
Robert A. Hoffa, Esq.
Steven E. Hoffman, Esq.
Fred A. Holland, Esq.
Jasper Trisha Hoover, Esq.
Justin Houser, Esq.
Kristin Noonan Hutchins, Esq.
Megan Ingram-French, Esq.
Nicole Ippolito, Esq.
Trisha Jasper, Esq.
Christian Kalaus, Esq.
Elizabeth J. Kapo, Esq.
Tiffani M. Kase, Esq.
Joanne Kelhart, Esq.
Christopher Kenyon, Esq.
Arundhati V Tinku Khanwalkar, Esq.
Mary Kilgus, Esq.
Ellen S. Kingsley, Esq.
Barton G. Knochenmus, Esq.
Terra Koernig, Esq.
Catherine L. Kollet, Esq.
Marc Kranson, Esq.
Gwin M. Krouse, Esq.
J. Howard Langdon, Esq.
Kelsey Lee, Esq.
Joseph F. Leeson III, Esq.
Anne Leete, Esq.
George Jr. Lepley, Esq.
Jason Lepley, Esq.
Nadia Lescott, Esq.
Michael Light II, Esq.
Kate Lincoln, Esq.
Jeana Longo, Esq.
Alyssa A. Lopiano-Reilly, Esq.
Angela Lovecchio, Esq.
Christian A. Lovecchio, Esq.
Jerry Lynch, Esq.
Kristine Maciolek, Esq.
Morgan Madden, Esq.
James Madsen, Esq.
Thomas Marshall, Esq.
Donald F. Martino, Esq.
Jennifer McCambridge, Esq.
Chris McFarland, Esq.
Michael P. McIntyre, Esq.
Sharon McLaughlin, Esq.
Leonard M. Mellon, Esq.
Darren Mendrzycki, Esq.
Adam Meshkov, Esq.
Frank S. Miceli, Esq.
Anne Millham, Esq.
Mildred A. Molino, Esq.
Michael Morrone, Esq.
Corey Mowrey, Esq.
Taylor Mullholand, Esq.
Nicholas Noel III, Esq.
John L. Obrecht, Esq.
Allen Page IV, Esq.
Robert R. Pandaleon, Esq.
Brian J. Panella, Esq.
Matthew J. Parker, Esq.
John E. Person, Esq.
Angelo M. Perucci, Jr., Esq.
Andrew Phillips, Esq.
John P. Pietrovito, Esq.
Rachel Planas, Esq.
Nadia Porter, Esq.
Melody Protasio, Esq.
Andrea P. Pulizzi, Esq.
James T. Rague III, Esq.
David C. Raker, Esq.
Gregory R. Reed, Esq.
Timothy Reitz, Esq.
Rebecca Rennicks, Esq.
Derek P. Richmond, Esq.
Clifford A. Rieders, Esq.
Paul A. Roman, Esq.
Rocco Rosamilia, Esq.
Vincent Rubino, Esq.
Kyle W. Rude, Esq.
Paul Ryan, Esq.
Edward Rymsza, Esq.
Nicholas R. Sabatine, III, Esq.
Richard Eugene Santee, Esq.
Lindsay Scheller, Esq.
Brandon Schemery, Esq.
David Schwartz, Esq.
Victor E. Scomillio, Esq.
Christopher M. Shipman, Esq.
Patricia A. Shipman, Esq.
Richard J. Shiroff, Esq.
Stephen C. Sholder, Esq.
Kristine M. Small, Esq.
John A. Smay, Esq.
James Smith, Esq.
David J. Smith, Esq.
Brett J. Southard, Esq.
Christopher T. Spadonie, Esq.
Lisa M. Spitale, Esq.
Frederick M. Stanczyak, Esq.
Gregory A. Stapp, Esq.
Daniel Stefanides, Esq.
Julieanne E. Steinbacher, Esq.
Al, Stirba Esq.
Gregory Stuck, Esq.
Mark Taylor, Esq.
Nicole M. Thomas, Esq.
Paul Trainor, Esq.
Lenore Urbano, Esq.
Michael J. Vargo, Esq.
Thomas Waffenschmidt, Esq.
Priscilla Walrath, Esq.
Alexander O. Ward, Esq.
Adam R. Weaver, Esq.
Gary L. Weber, Esq.
Mary C. Welby, Esq.
Paul Welch, Esq.
Michael J. Wiley, Esq.
David F. Wilk, Esq.
Dennis W. Winegar, Esq.
W. Jeffrey Yates, Esq.
Janice Yaw, Esq.
Meghan Young, Esq.
Steven Zakos, Esq.
Bohdan J. Zelechiwsky, Esq.
Mike Zicolello, Esq.