Recipients of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and Unemployment Compensation (UC) Debit Card holders have some important things to confirm and do this month.
PUA claimants need to reset their password the next time they log into their portal.
- This password reset is part of a PUA system update that went into effect around March 15th. The new password needs to be at least 12 characters long.
- If a claimant has logged into their PUA portal since March 15th and already reset their password, they will not have to reset it again.
The debit card transition is ending. Here's what claimants should do if they did not get a debit card by April 1st.
During March 2023, new debit cards (Money Network My Banking Direct Cards) were issued to claimants who chose to receive their benefits on a debit card. That transition is now ending.
If a claimant who uses the online portal and signed up to get their money on a debit card did not receive a card by April 1st, they should go into their portal and double check their mailing address on file.
- If their mailing address is incorrect, they need to edit their address ASAP to the correct mailing address. This will then trigger an action on the backend of the system that sends the updated address to Money Network. To have the card then sent to the updated address, they need to call Money Network's Customer Service Center (888-292-0059).
- If their mailing address is correct, they need to call the UC Service Center hotline (888-313-7284) to request a new card be sent. They will get checks in the meantime.
If a claimant who only uses the phone system to file and has signed up to get their money on a debit card did not receive a card by April 1st, they need to call the UC Service Center. If they can't get through to the Service Center, they should call PA's Department of Treasury's Bureau of Unemployment Compensation Disbursement (877-869-1956).